Happy 5 Year Blogaversary + Welcome Back!

Photo taken in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Happy Blogaversary + Welcome Back!

This week marks the 5 year anniversary of this blog (plus my birthday) and it feels like the right time to pick up sharing my journey again.  This post has been on my mind to write for over 2 years but so much was and is still happening in my life that I needed to settle before I posted again. 

To catch you up quickly, I completely flipped my life upside down in 2018.  I moved back to New York from London and everything that comes with it (moving house, exciting new role at work, new schools, EVERYTHING)!

My life didn’t just pick up where it left off in New York and I didn’t want it to.  I’ve changed and so has New York and both for the better I think.  My children continue to thrive and I’m happier than ever in my career.  I’m grateful to be home and healthy near my family and friends and that can’t be overestimated during this COVID-19 crisis. 

I’ll be making some changes to freshen things up and I plan to ease my way back into posting. I’d love to hear what you think I should cover in an upcoming post. Drop a comment below.

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